About Eduardo Recife

Eduardo Recife is a graphic designer artist born in the year 1980 at the town of Belo Horizonte Brazil. He is the man who constructed the website Misprinted Type, a well recognizable website displaying his personal collage, typefaces and drawing works. Recife worked with many media outlets such as:

  • The New York Times
  • Entertainment Weekly
  • HBO
  • Showtime
  • And many more

Recife has been in the art and design industry for over ten years and as well as working for clients, he also produces work for freelance purposes, however this is only for professional clients. He later goes on to sell his personal works in galleries and to individual consumers when requested.

Recife claims to have started drawing from a very young age, I know this because I researched a quote from the artist’s website:

“I´ve been drawing since I was little. At school I had notebooks filled with drawings instead of notes. I used to tattoo my buddies with a black ink pen. I used to draw on any kind of surface when I was bored… I believe it’s what I do best. It’s also the best way for me to communicate things I can’t find words for… It’s a therapy, it’s a hobbie, it’s a job, it’s what makes me happy.”


This quote describes the artist love and passion for art and design; I mean he started experimenting with art in a very young age.

By the age of 17, Recife discovered graffiti; he studied tagging styles and street alphabets, which eventually led to the discovery of grunge digital photography.


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