Eduardo Recife Work

This is a picture showing one of Eduardo Recife’s works. As you can see the theme this picture is related to is most probably sports, as it displays an image of what looks to be a female swimmer. The artist has cleverly constructed this artwork together by using collages, when I look at this image; something which stands out to me is the use of colours. Some sections light colours is used, and on others dark is used. There is a lot of use of patterns in this artwork piece and it stands out whenever I look at this image. I think the artist uses a plain background to make the main foreground content of the image stand out. I very much like the style of this overall picture because it’s got a very pop arty type of look to it which enhances the overall look.

The title of this work automatically notifies the viewer that the theme of this art piece is the month April. The month April belongs to the season of spring which mainly gives you an idea of the sort of elements you would expect in this art piece. When you take a look at this work, you find all the elements of the season spring included, such as, Thunder and lightning, dark clouds and sometimes a bit of sunshine. The long yellow line running down the centre of the art piece I think is deliberately put their to show the unpredictable weather changing sometimes to sunshine. In my opinion, this piece was cleverly constructed because it included all the right things which occur during the month of April. It’s a very good and cleverly brought together design by the artist and includes many influential benefits.

Here I have researched something different from the previous works of Eduardo Recife. The way this art piece is distinctive from other works by Recife is because this time the artist uses the whole page instead of leaving certain parts blanked. To be honest, I am not entirely sure what the theme behind this art piece is, and I do not like this piece of artwork because it is too different from the other works the artist produces. By looking at this piece of art, I automatically sense that the artist used watercolours to create this portrait image.

“You are trapped” the title of this picture gives away the theme of this art piece. In my opinion, I like this idea which the Eduardo has come up with because the method in which he took to produce this piece was fabulous. It was done using collage; the reason I think Mr Recife decided to use collage as the medium was because to give the overall image more of an impression. The artist decided to cut a piece of paper and shape it to fit one half of the young girls face. The typography looks like it was also cut out and stuck in.

Similarities between the artists work

There are many things which this artist repeats within his work, such as the use of titles. According to Eduardo Recife:

“It’s also the best way for me to communicate things I can’t find words for… It’s a therapy, it’s a hobby, it’s a job, it’s what makes me happy,”

This quote basically describes the fact that he finds spreading his message through the use of his art a lot easier. He considers it as a hobby, a job and something which makes him happy.

When I was looking through this artists work, I could not help but notice the recurring use of collage within his work. In my opinion, the use of collage offers an artist a medium for individual expression giving them a passage to open their creativity and encouraging other artists to consider new methods of expressing emotions and ideas.

As well as collage, I have also noticed the persisting use of blank background. This may be to make the content in the foreground stand out.

The website which I gathered my quote from was:

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